93 Posts


I started WiR as an intersectional sanctuary for film lovers. I only write about women directors, both old & new. The future, past, & present is female, motherfuckers. Vive la révolution.

Film Lindsay Pugh

'Carol Doda Topless at the Condor' left me wanting more

A version of this post originally appeared in The Bold Italic. Quick summary: In 1964, Carol Doda made history by becoming the first woman to dance topless at the Condor, one of North Beach's most happening Broadway clubs. Marlo McKenzie and Jonathan Parker’s documentary — inspired in part
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Film Lindsay Pugh

'Anaïs in Love' is an elder millennial fever dream

Quick summary: Anaïs (Anaïs Demoustier), a French Frances Halladay contemporary with a smidge of Miriam Maisel, is a whirling tornado of raw emotion. She’s working on a Ph.D. thesis about 17th century descriptions of passion but, ironically, doesn’t seem very passionate about it. After breaking up with
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Film Lindsay Pugh

Interview with Director Mattie Do, on 'The Long Walk'

When I take the time to conduct an interview and review [https://www.womaninrevolt.com/past-and-future-collide-in-mattie-do-the-long-walk/] a film, you know the hype is real. I loved "The Long Walk" (2019) so much that talking with director Mattie Do was a must. She is one of those people with
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Film Lindsay Pugh

Past and future collide in Mattie Do's 'The Long Walk'

Quick summary: Fifty years after witnessing the death of a young woman (Noutnapha Soydala), a nameless old man (Yannawoutthi Chanthalungsy) is still haunted by her spirit. When he realizes she possesses the ability to transport him back in time, he visits his younger self in an attempt to mitigate his
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Film Lindsay Pugh

'Butter on the Latch' explores the persistent trauma of sexual assault

This post includes spoilers for "Butter on the Latch." This is meant to be more of an in-depth analysis of the film's exploration of sexual trauma (as opposed to a review), so it's probably going to be useless/boring if you haven't
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Film Lindsay Pugh

'Promising Young Woman' is all style, no substance

Vibe: "Promising Young Woman" (2020) is a fast-paced revenge film with thriller and romantic comedy elements thrown in for good measure. It's beautiful to look at and never boring, but ultimately disappointing once you think about it more deeply and realize how little it actually has
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