
Sometimes I send emails that are just big recommendation dumps of books, movies, tv shows, or podcasts that I think other people might like. You can find all of those here.

Recommendations Lindsay Pugh

Recommendations for people who like good shit 🥐

I AM SO HAPPY IT'S OCTOBER. This is my favorite time of year. Summer is over, clothes are 10,000x better, and spending time outside is finally pleasant now that the most annoying bugs have begun to die. In her new novel, "Creation Lake" (which I
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Recommendations Lindsay Pugh

TGIF Recs, Pt. II 🥞

The last time I wrote one of these was six months ago. Since then, I completed the "Gilmore Girls" rewatch project, threw together some rando musings on "Sex and the City," and then took a nice break from the internet. When I started this blog in
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Recommendations Lindsay Pugh

TGIF Recs, Pt. I 🍜

What's everyone up to this weekend? My only plans are to finish reading Lydia Davis's "The End of the Story" (recommended by Candace) and to eat a steaming bowl of ramen from Ann Arbor's closest approximation of Luke's Diner. I&
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Recommendations Lindsay Pugh

Holiday Distractions, Part Two 🥡

Many of you probably know that I am a Christmas grinch, but I'm trying hard to embrace the spirit of the season this year. I bought myself a new ornament (Digger-approved), put up outdoor lights, and even watched that terrible new Lindsay Lohan movie on Netflix. I wanted
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Recommendations Lindsay Pugh

Last-Minute Gifts for Cinephiles: 2020 Dumpster Fire Edition

Typically, I would spend my December popping into local stores and finding the perfect gifts for my friends and family. As the pandemic rages and my anxiety for public places spirals, shopping online is an absolute necessity. I went into Ace Hardware a few days ago to buy a Christmas
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Recommendations Lindsay Pugh

Spooky Season

As soon as the temperature dips below 60, all I want to do is watch scary movies on the couch with my cats. I'm leaning into it especially hard this year because everything is trash and a physical escape (no Theatre Bizarre or trips to New Orleans 😭) is
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Recommendations Lindsay Pugh

Holiday Distractions 🎄

Unlike Halloween, which I love dearly, Christmas has always depressed me. Nothing makes me feel more alone than sitting in a room full of relatives and being constantly reminded of my outcast status. This year is going to be different, though. The pandemic provides the perfect excuse for me to
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Recommendations Lindsay Pugh

Last-Minute Gifts for Cinephiles

First, let me begin by admitting how much I hate the holidays. They're never as good as movies (or social media) want us to believe. Instead of making my heart feel happy and light, Christmas cheer weighs it down with existential dread. If you already feel like an
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Lindsay Pugh

Best of SXSW 2019

I'm back from SXSW and at best, I would describe myself as an empty shell of a human. I have a ton of coverage to put together but all I want to do is sleep, drink a bunch of water, and stay the fuck away from screens. Thankfully,
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