5 Posts


Recommendations Lindsay Pugh

TGIF Recs, Pt. II 🥞

The last time I wrote one of these was six months ago. Since then, I completed the "Gilmore Girls" rewatch project, threw together some rando musings on "Sex and the City," and then took a nice break from the internet. When I started this blog in
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Recommendations Lindsay Pugh

TGIF Recs, Pt. I 🍜

What's everyone up to this weekend? My only plans are to finish reading Lydia Davis's "The End of the Story" (recommended by Candace) and to eat a steaming bowl of ramen from Ann Arbor's closest approximation of Luke's Diner. I&
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Recommendations Lindsay Pugh

Holiday Distractions, Part Two 🥡

Many of you probably know that I am a Christmas grinch, but I'm trying hard to embrace the spirit of the season this year. I bought myself a new ornament (Digger-approved), put up outdoor lights, and even watched that terrible new Lindsay Lohan movie on Netflix. I wanted
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Recommendations Lindsay Pugh

Spooky Season

As soon as the temperature dips below 60, all I want to do is watch scary movies on the couch with my cats. I'm leaning into it especially hard this year because everything is trash and a physical escape (no Theatre Bizarre or trips to New Orleans 😭) is
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Recommendations Lindsay Pugh

Holiday Distractions 🎄

Unlike Halloween, which I love dearly, Christmas has always depressed me. Nothing makes me feel more alone than sitting in a room full of relatives and being constantly reminded of my outcast status. This year is going to be different, though. The pandemic provides the perfect excuse for me to
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