White Plains, NY
301 Posts

Lindsay Pugh

Lover of shitty romcoms, the Coney Island duck machine, and emotionally manipulative cats. You can also find my writing at Seventh Row.

Film Lindsay Pugh

'Carol Doda Topless at the Condor' left me wanting more

A version of this post originally appeared in The Bold Italic. Quick summary: In 1964, Carol Doda made history by becoming the first woman to dance topless at the Condor, one of North Beach's most happening Broadway clubs. Marlo McKenzie and Jonathan Parkerโ€™s documentary โ€” inspired in part
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Recommendations Lindsay Pugh

TGIF Recs, Pt. II ๐Ÿฅž

The last time I wrote one of these was six months ago. Since then, I completed the "Gilmore Girls" rewatch project, threw together some rando musings on "Sex and the City," and then took a nice break from the internet. When I started this blog in
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Lindsay PughSaul Sugarman

I couldn't help but wonder... Wtf happened to these 'SATC' characters?

Every time I talk to my mom, I'm hit with a barrage of news I would rather not hear about people who have been purposely purged from my memory. If I wanted to know about [insert random person from high school] and her helmet-wearing baby, I would join
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TV Lindsay Pugh

'Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life' Fall ๐Ÿ

Production notes: The Halfway House Cafe, where Lorelai tries (and fails) to get coffee after she tries (and fails) to do "Wild," is a real place in Santa Clarita, California. If it looks familiar, that's because it's been featured in thousands of commercials, movies,
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TV Lindsay Pugh

'Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life' Summer ๐Ÿ‘™

Production notes: One of my favorite pedantic activities is combing through IMDb to see what other projects key crew members have worked on in the past. Cinematographer Alex Nepomniaschy has a fun resume, including Bruce Springsteen's "Born to Run" music video and '90s movie classics
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TV Lindsay Pugh

'Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life' Spring ๐ŸŒท

Production notes: Saul (friend of the blog) mentioned that it would be interesting to follow up on a few of the actors who went on to have bigger careers post-"Gilmore Girls," so that's what I'm going to do in this section for "
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