8 Posts


Annie Rose Malamet Lindsay Pugh

Interview with Annie Rose Malamet, Lesbian Vampire

I am familiar with Annie Rose Malamet primarily through her subversive and controversial cinema podcast, "Girls, Guts, & Giallo." Each episode features a guest with in-depth discussion centered around a particular film, like "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre" (1974), "Rebecca" (1940), and "Antichrist"
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Kate Robertson Lindsay Pugh

Interview with Dr. Kate Robertson, Film Scholar

The Final Girls Berlin Film Festival (FGBFF) always finds speakers who are not only smart as hell, but lovely and kind. Australian-born, New York-based writer and academic Kate Robertson is no exception. Before our conversation, I knew her primarily from an essay she had written [https://www.theatlantic.com/entertainment/
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FGBFF Lindsay Pugh

Looking for weekend plans? Check out the Final Girls Berlin Film Festival

What do weekend plans even look like in quarantine? If you're anything like me, they often involve mindlessly scrolling through different streaming services, trying to find good movies to watch from the bed and/or bathtub. This weekend, you can avoid the arduous decision-making process because the Final
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Orla Smith Lindsay Pugh

Interview with Orla Smith, Executive Editor of Seventh Row

I'm so happy that I got to talk to Orla and learn about Seventh Row, "a Canadian not-for-profit publication dedicated to in-depth film and theatre criticism." I'm always looking for solid film sites to add to my reading list and this one is really
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Valeria Villegas Lindvall Lindsay Pugh

Interview with Valeria Villegas Lindvall, Scholar and Writer

The bio that Valeria sent me will give you more context than my pathetic Internet searches, so here it is in full: Valeria Villegas Lindvall is a Doctoral candidate in Film Studies at University of Gothenburg, Sweden. Her research aims to bring a feminist focus to the understanding of the
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Amanda Reyes Lindsay Pugh

Interview with Amanda Reyes, Author and Film Historian

You might know Amanda Reyes from her wonderful podcast, "Made for TV Mayhem [https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/made-for-tv-mayhem-show-podcast/id1046390878] " or her 2017 book, "Are You In The House Alone?: A TV Movie Compendium 1964-1999 [https://www.amazon.com/Are-You-House-Alone-Compendium/dp/1909394440] ." She exudes an
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