2 Posts

Maya Korn

Interview Lindsay Pugh

Interview with the Ladies of 'Becoming' ('El Devenir')

I first met Maya Korn when she was promoting a short film called "Diabla" (or at the time, "Ex Voto") for her Columbia MFA producer's thesis. She has since graduated and started her own company, MHK Productions. When she approached me about doing an
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Interview Lindsay Pugh

Interview with Maya Korn & Ashley George on Their New Film 'Ex Voto'

I was intrigued by "Ex Voto" as soon as I read the tagline on the Kickstarter page [https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1605154769/ex-voto-film]: "A female revenge horror about a teenage Mexican girl who finds retribution through her untapped female power and local witch culture." I
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