I have a podcast now!

I have a podcast now!

After writing about movies and TV on this blog for 7+ years, I decided to start a podcast. Every time I visit Jo Nesteruk, my BFF/mentor/fake mom, we spend the weekend watching movies and having great discussions. There is a 26 year age gap between us, so we often have different perspectives and points of reference, but always leave each conversation with a deeper appreciation for what we watched.

On this podcast, you'll hear us discuss films and TV shows made awesome, at least in part, because of women, whether they be actresses, writers, directors, costume or production designers, editors, cinematographers, etc. We aim to not only provide a thorough discussion with thoughtful analysis, but to spotlight women that might not be on your radar. We talk about old films, new films, TV shows, and whatever else may interest us at the time. We're still figuring this shit out, but we eventually hope to have guests.

New episodes every other Tuesday. If you have suggestions for films/TV/women we should discuss in the future, please leave a comment on this post 🪩

Jo and I at Pfeiffer Beach in 2019.
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