3 Posts


TV Meg Ringler

Fuckboy of the Month: Riley Finn from 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer'

My fictional role models share many qualities—petite, blonde, total badasses. Leslie Knope and Buffy Summers have shaped me to a perhaps unhealthy extent. When my mom took me to Party City and told me to pick out anything I wanted for my high school graduation party, I promptly walked
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TV Lindsay Pugh

Fuckboy of the Month: All the Dudes from 'Gilmore Girls'

As many of you probably know, I've been rewatching and recapping "Gilmore Girls" [https://www.womaninrevolt.com/tag/gilmore-girls/] since August 2017. I forget why I decided to do it (a Sisyphean complex, most likely), but I definitely regret it; "Gilmore Girls" is not
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TV Lindsay Pugh

Fuckboy of the Month: Mr. Big from 'Sex and the City'

This is a new series for WiR and before we begin, let's get on the same page when it comes to the definition of "fuckboy." No, I'm not going to link you to some overlong think piece from Slate or Vanity Fair. I have
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