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Alexandra Dell

Alexandra Dell is a writer and filmmaker living in New York City. She is an Executive Producer of the unscripted series "Lace Up: The Ultimate Sneaker Challenge" on YouTube Red, and co-wrote and co-directed a short film, "The Mime," which was selected as one of the "Best Of" at the DC Shorts Film Festival. She somehow also has law and journalism degrees. How she has time to sleep, we'll never know.

Film Lindsay Pugh

Interview with Ellen Adair, Kris Arnold, & Alexandra Dell on 'Roommating'

I met Alex last year at a networking event (gag) for NYC Web Fest [https://nycwebfest.com/] and immediately liked her. We somehow managed to skip all of the small talk bullshit and actually have an interesting conversation about film, art, and the difficulties of negotiating a pay raise.  Post-festival,
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