2 Posts

Dee Rees

Dee Rees is one of the most exciting filmmakers working today. Her debut feature, "Pariah," won the John Cassavetes Award and her most recent film, "Mudbound," was purchased by Netflix for $12.5M.

Film Lindsay Pugh

'Mudbound' (2017) by Dee Rees

Vibe: Emotionally taxing, but not defeatist. Poetic, beautiful, and novelistic, which isnt surprising since it's based on Hillary Jordan's 2008 book by the same name. At the beginning of the film, we see Laura McAllan (Carey Mulligan) slog through the mud with her two children as
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Film Lindsay Pugh

'Pariah' (2011) by Dee Rees

Vibe: I knew immediately that this film was shot in Brooklyn, but had I not known the year, I would have had trouble guessing. It opens at a strip club with ladies dancing to Khia's "My Neck, My Back," but somehow feels timeless. The cinematography, which
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